
“I thoroughly enjoyed my experience of working with Simona to design and make my wedding dress. From the first consultation, to when I collected my dress, Simona made every moment special and paid great attention to detail in bringing my design to life. I'm delighted with the end result, and very much value the care and precision that went into making my dress.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed my experiences of working with Simona to design and make my wedding dress.”

London, UK


Simona was recommended to me by a friend after I tried multiple wedding dress shops and felt the dresses were missing my unique style & essence. As an artist, I felt I would like to design my own dress. I’ve always had a huge fascination with Japan, I visited the country multiple times, owned several kimonos and integrated Japanese Zen calligraphy into my own art practice. I knew I would like to design my own contemporary Japanese wedding dress. So it happened, Simona shared my love for kimonos and had vast experience in designing wedding dresses.

The whole process included 4 meeting / fittings but I always felt at ease around Simona. She recommended me fantastic fabrics shops in London where I went to choose my own fabrics. She guided me through every step with ease and enthusiasm, making my vision not only beautiful but also functional (especially the attachable kimono sleeves).

The dress turned out better than I imagined and fitted me perfectly. It was an icing on the cake on our special day, I felt like a icon in it. Overall, the whole garment became a piece of art itself. One day I would like to frame it and have it
on show.

Simona, thank you very much, I couldn’t have done it without you.

Lincolnshire, UK


““What can I say... the entire experience from start to finish was 'seamless'. Simona is now not just someone whom created and designed my beautiful wedding dress but is now a friend for life. Her professionalism and creativity is second to none. I will continue to use her for other occasions so this isn't the last she's seen of me!!! Everyone at my wedding commented on how beautiful the dress was, and they MEANT it.”

Mrs. Caro Pike
Brighton, UK


“I absolutely love it! Just look at those sleeves! Her vintage inspired designs are so elegant and comfortable.”

Yellow Blouse for Samantha |
Yellow Blouse for Samantha |
Yellow Blouse for Samantha |

“Just look at this beautiful blouse Simona made me! It was a total surprise and she guessed my measurements perfectly, clever thing. Also it’s in my fave colour. Aren’t the sleeves divine? It feels so light and drapery to wear. Thank you so much!”

London, UK


My sister has always been my beacon of style. As a teenager, I would wait patiently to fit into her clothes so that I could be as cool as her. Simona knows instinctively what fits a specific body shape and can quickly see what style would suit a personality.

I have been lucky to have been on the receiving end of some of her designs, one of which was my wedding dress. I remember watching Funny Girl as a teenager and falling in love with the dress Audrey Hepburn wears during a photo shoot. I was only young then, but my sister had already made a mental note of that moment. When it came to realising the dress, she knew how to adapt the fairy like nature of the original to my more introverted personality. I remember the care Simona put in every fitting, which extended to every detail of the dress, from the perfectly fitting bodice to the hand stitched Swarovski stones which encrusted the skirt and veil.

I have other pieces that Simona made for me, which I cherish because when I wear them I feel both beautiful and myself. 

Thank you indeed, Simona.   

London, UK


“I contacted Simona in Summer 2020 to make a custom wedding dress for our May wedding.  She was so lovely and accommodating to work with and listened to all my hopes and fears for the dress.  I wanted something non-traditional and that would suit my shape. 

She sent over some gorgeous designs and held my hand through choosing fabric and agreeing on the final design.  I felt very comfortable and at home working with her.

We had a few setbacks due to Covid and we were able to keep going and have the dress ready in plenty of time for what in the end was a September wedding. 

All the fittings and time spent with Simona made me feel at ease and that the dress would be just what I wanted, and it was! The dress is so lovely, finished to the highest quality and fits like nothing I have ever owned.  I wanted a wedding dress I could wear again and I definitely will!  Thanks so much.”

London, UK


“It’s six months into the Pandemic lockdown, and like everyone else I was feeling this odd combination of doldrums, tinted with sadness. And like everyone else, I am passing the time by scrolling through my social media accounts. As I scroll through every one's latest creative endeavours, one person’s work stands out , Simona Marletta’s clothing line. Simona’s clothing is beyond something to wear, it is art for the body. Every piece would be the jewel of anyone's closet , but it was the Artemide Dress that really spoke to me . Edgy and elegant, the perfect combination. The moment I put the dress on , I felt special. The fit is perfection, which is rare for this short, shapely gal. Housebound yet determined, I set my hair and makeup and pranced about the house like I was on the red carpet . That is when you know you have a quality garment on, when you not only look spectacular in it, but you feel great too. If I could fill my whole closet with Simona Marletta’s clothing, I would feel spectacular everyday.”

Los Angeles, USA


“I met Simona when my husband commissioned her a dress designed by him, as a gift for my birthday. It was meant to be a total surprise and she managed to keep it as such till the very end. I did all the fit sessions blindfolded and wearing gloves! I had no idea of what it would look like until the very end, and it exceeded my expectations! The dress fits me perfectly, it is precious and comfortable at the same time and i feel beautiful in it. I love it! It was a wonderful and fun experience. Simona used her sensibility and intuition to interpret my husband’s idea, her skills and competence to materialise it to perfection. 

What makes her clothes precious and unique is the combination of her care, attention to details, professionalism and creativity. Her warm and friendly personality has made the process a memorable experience!”  

London, UK


“I asked Simona to make an outfit for my daughter’s 16th birthday present. She listened to both of our requests and created a special, timeless piece that my daughter will be able to wear for years to come! I was very impressed by how respectful and professional she was. Thank you Simona for giving us the opportunity to indulge in Italian craftsmanship!”

Shinwha Cha
London, UK


“Simona made a beautiful skirt for me. I wanted a bit of magic in my wardrobe and commissioned her to make this. It is made and finished beautifully, and fits like a dream. Simona has a great eye for detail and finds the most delicious fabrics. I adore my skirt  and love that it was made with such skill and care. Thank you,”

Exeter, UK


“Dopo il lungo periodo vissuto in casa a causa del lockdown, ho avuto il bisogno di sentirmi in ordine ed elegante ma allo stesso tempo comoda anche tra le mura domestiche. Cosi’ mi sono rivolta a Simona che ha saputo ascoltare e comprendere le mie esigenze e con le sue mani abili, esperte e piene d’amore ha creato per me questo capo unico. Non si tratta soltanto di una tuta realizzata a mano con cura, su misura e con tessuti di qualità, oltre a questo ci sono l’amore e la passione che Simona mette nel suo lavoro e che fanno la differenza. Un capo d’abbigliamento non deve solo farci sentire belle ma anche coccolate e amate e in questo lei e’ riuscita in pieno. Grazie.”

Venezia, Italy


“Ho sempre pensato che Simona avesse talento: le sue capacità sono straordinarie perché riesce a tirar fuori da un lembo di stoffa un capolavoro. Quando le chiesi di realizzare il mio abito, mi sono bastate poche parole per farle capire come lo desideravo. Volevo qualcosa di semplice e che mettesse in risalto le mie forme ma in maniera sobria ed elegante. Ebbene, così è stato! L'abito mi sta divinamente. È perfetto in ogni suo dettaglio, è comodo ed io mi sento bellissima ogni volta che lo indosso! Simona è intuitiva, non ha la bacchetta magica, ma è come la fata di Cenerentola, capace di realizzare un sogno! Ha la capacità di leggere il tuo pensiero e con le sue mani e le sue stoffe preziose, riesce a realizzare ogni abito alla perfezione curando ogni minimo dettaglio. Grazie Simona.”

Lentini, Italy


“Quando Simona mi porto’ questa giacca, la prima cosa che mi colpi’ fu la preziosità e la lucentezza del tessuto, le rifiniture fatto tutte a mano e la bella fodera in seta. Indossandola, ho apprezzato la comodità e stile, a mio avviso, un po’ retro’ (che a me piace molto).

Mi sono sentita elegante e sofisticata.

Bello il collo a scialle e la linea che si muove morbida sui fianchi. Peccato che si veda poco la camicia in pura seta che, per modello e morbidezza, veste come una seconda pelle.

Brava piccola. Grazie, mamma.”

Lentini, Italy